11. Troubleshooting#

11.1. Log#

Debug messages provide additional information about the software algorithms.

Open the log manually with CTRL + L
or go to settings and in the rubric Display settings click Open log window.
The log opens automatically when an error or warning occurs.


The number of log messages depends on the selected severity of your logging level!

11.2. Log options#

Some log messages have a context menu with further options.

11.3. Support#

Users in need of support are urged to provide the following information, at a minimum:


  • What was the user’s aim and the expected outcome?

  • Which issues occurred?

  • What was the result?

  • Error message

  • Which steps need to be undertaken to reproduce the issue/bug?

Optional information, but extremely helpful if available:

  • Log export (see saving logfiles above)

  • Screen recording

  • Project in zipped form

Send your request and the generated zip file(s) to our .