1. Project folder#

1.1. Folder structure#

[Main Folder]
+-- FlightLines.geojson
+-- Footprint.geojson
+-- Grid.geojson
+-- GroundControlPoints.geojson
+-- ImageFootprint.geojson
+-- ImagePosition.geojson
+-- NeatModel.geojson
+-- ProjectArea.geojson
+-- [Project name].topoflight
+-- map.ttkproject
+-- thumbnail.bmp

1.2. JSON files#

Contain the geographical data of the flight plan structured in JSON files according to the [GeoJSON](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7946) standard. MISSIONPLANNER automatically creates an additional *fld and ~geojson file for each JSON file.

1.3. Project file#

This file saves the project properties. It contains, for example, the version number of the program, the sensor parameters required in the project or the path to the map file.

1.4. Thumbnail bitmap#

When saving a project, a thumbnail of the current project view is automatically created. This is displayed in the MISSIONPLANNER project overview.

1.5. ttkproject#

An XML based file which the GIS in TopoFlight’s MISSIONPLANNER needs for referencing the GIS layers.

1.6. Other files#

If further data are required (e.g. terrain or perimeter data), these are stored in the project in the main folder.