8. Settings#
Display and flight line settings for TOPOFLIGHT MISSIONPLANNER can be modified in the individual secondary sidebar menus and in the layers panel. It is also possible to configure many general settings in the Navigation bar Settings menu.
8.1. General settings#
Navigate to the Navigation bar Settings menu and open the dialog box to configure general display, flight line and elevation data settings.

8.1.1. Display settings#
In the Navigation bar Settings menu, choose Display settings.
Layer styling
In the section Layer styling, select the path to the directory housing your personalized layer styling. Find out more about customized layer styles in the layers panel settings.
It is also possible to revert to the MISSIONPLANNER default styling by clicking Restore default layer styling.
Grid settings

Remember to click on Update grid after checking or unchecking the Draw grid box or making changes to the grid settings before proceeding to the Okay button.
Define the scale of the map by clicking on the scale positioned at the bottom-right corner of the workspace.

A dialog box opens in which the scale of the map can be defined, e.g. 1:50’000.
Various options for logging files are available at the bottom of the settings window (rubric Display settings), including opening the log at startup, automatic log saving and changing the log folder location. Click Clear log files to delete log files or Open folder with logs for quick and easy access to existing log files.
Some log messages can be used for flight line and point editing, see log options.
8.1.2. Flight lines#
In the Navigation bar Settings menu, choose Flight lines.
Flight line settings
Set the main flight line properties:
Minimum flight line length [m]All flight lines will be at least this long.Use this setting to make sure all calculated flight lines are long enough for reasonable flight maneuvering.
Minimum gap length [m]The gap between two flight lines will be at least this wide.
Minimum HAGL [m]All calculated flight lines will be at least this high above the ground level.This function ensures that the averaged flight line heights will be at least the specified height of meters above e.g. any mountain peaks.
Caution: this HAGL setting will overwrite the HAGL set in the sensor configuration.
Number of image points per sideThis number determines how many points are calculated between the corner points of footprints.Recommended setting: 1Increasing this number will increase the computation time.
Extend flight line to the last image centerCheck or uncheck this box according to your requirements.When selected, the required image overlap is maintained even for the last point of the flight line.
Line numberingSelect whether to increase the Parent ID or Segment ID
Image numberingSelect whether the image identifiers should commence at 0, 1, or if unique values are preferred throughout the entire project.
Flying height calculation
Flying height lines can be calculated using one of four distinct methods. The selected approach is displayed in the figure to the right of the parameters.
Min. terrain
Lowest terrain elevation
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Max. terrain
Highest terrain elevation
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Mean terrain elevation
Recommended in most scenarios
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Terrain following mode
Constant height above ground
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Fixed altitude
Enter value in [m] or [ft].
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Check Allow line stepping to enable steps in height in an individual flight line. This can be useful when there are large differences in height along a flight line and the mean terrain elevation becomes unsuitable.
Line stepping must be used with caution since it interferes with the min. HAGL!
Terrain following mode for CSV import
When image positions are imported via CSV, MISSIONPLANNER automatically generates flight lines. MISSIONPLANNER requires clarification whether the positions are at the same flying altitude or were planned in terrain following mode. For this reason, there is this setting to manage the threshold.
Upon CSV import, users should specify the threshold (% of HAGL) MISSIONPLANNER uses to identify terrain variations.
Overlap calculation
The maximum intermediate angle between flight lines for which overlaps will be calculated can be defined in order to include or exclude adjacent flight lines.
8.1.3. Elevation data#
In the Navigation bar Settings menu, choose Elevation data.
SRTM Download
Set the following elevation data properties:
SRTM Download PathSpecifies the folder where SRTM files that you download for your projects are saved.You can change the default folder to another location.
Do not specify a folder that you cannot always access, such as one on a server.
SRTM no data valueSpecifies the value in meters to use when SRTM data is not available, for example, above an ocean.Default value: 0
SRTM Coloring
Set the color scheme for differentiating between different altitudes in the SRTM data.
The new terrain color map you choose will only come into effect once you have redownloaded the SRTM elevation model.
Vertical Datum
Use EGM96 Geoid (recommended): The height reference system of the SRTM tiles and most other elevation data.
Reduce to WGS84 ellipsoid: activate to reduce SRTM data from EGM96 Geoid to WGS84 ellipsoid.
Your flight plan altitude values will be based on the WGS84 ellipsoid. Verify that your GPS/IMU settings are configured accordingly!
8.2. Customizing layers#
Various layer options, such as the name of the layer or its transparency, can be accessed by double-clicking on a layer in the layers panel or right-clicking on a layer and selecting Layer properties.

To change the stacking order of the layers between front and back, drag each layer up or down as required.
8.2.1. Customizing layer properties#
Users can define and save the properties of symbols, lines and other elements utilized in the individual layers.
8.2.2. Saving layer styles#
8.2.3. Loading layer styles#
8.2.4. Deleting layers#
Prior to deleting a layer, a dialog box prompts the user to decide whether to remove the layer solely from the layers panel or delete the entire file from the project folder. Additionally, there is an option to cancel the action altogether.
8.2.5. Zooming to layers#
8.3. 3D view mode#

Get a more comprehensive perspective of your flight plan through 3D visualization. Click on in the top left corner of the workspace. Utilize the left mouse button by clicking and holding to manipulate and rotate the perspective. The 3D view is only applied to layers it has been activated for.