Usage of |Company protocol name| ================================ When the airplane approaches a flight line, the system is in the **NOT_LOGGING** state. A user-defined time before the airplane reaches the start of the flight line, ``"StartLogging"`` will be sent from |Company name| to the |Company protocol name|. After a user-defined duration following the airplane's passage past the end of the flight line, ``"StopLogging"`` will be sent from |Company name| to the |Company protocol name|. During the flight over the line, no additional information will be sent from |Company name| to the |Company protocol name|. Only ``"StartLogging"`` will be sent at the beginning and ``"StopLogging"`` at the end of the line. Image capture and other data collection triggers will be managed internally by the |Company protocol name|. When the user disconnects from the |Company protocol name|, the system must first be set to **NOT_LOGGING**, after which ``"SystemStop"`` can be called.